BARC The Data Management Survey 20:
Top Rankings for InfoZoom

This year’s BARC Data Management Survey ranks our products InfoZoom Desktop and InfoZoom IZDQ top within the “Data management products” peer group for the KPIs “Recommendation”, “Functionality”, “Performance”, and “Platform reliability”. We came second in the categories “Developer efficiency”, “Innovation power”, “Support quality”, and “Product satisfaction”. An incredible 99% of the respondents are satisfied with our products and 95% would recommend InfoZoom Desktop and IZDQ.

Top-Rankings InfoZoom in BARC The Data Management Survey 20

It can’t get any better – we have scored the top ranking with 10/10 in the functionality category of the BARC Data Management Survey. InfoZoom & IZDQ provide a self-contained, sophisticated application geared to data analysis. According to the survey, the functions are intuitively used for data exploration, data analysis, and data quality assessment. This demonstrates the flexibility and the broad application range of our software.

With 9.4/10, we had the highest score regarding reliability within the data management products group. This can be attributed to our year’s of experience, since we have been in the market for more than 20 years. Software reliability is not a matter of course, though, as shows the comparison to the other players within the group. With one exception, InfoZoom & IDZQ are valuated significantly better than the other products.

Users don’t want to wait for results anymore. From the very beginning, InfoZoom & IDZQ have put great emphasis on the hardware-based acceleration of queries by using in-memory technologies. And this pays off from the customers’ perspective. The users are convinced of the performance, hence we rank first among the data management tools. Furthermore, 88% of the participants say it was the convincing performance that motivation them to buy our product.

95% of the users would recommend our products. This also secures us the first rank for this KPI. The recommendation serves as a measured value to be able to estimate in what way the capability of the tool meets the expectations. Only customers that are really satisfied would recommend the product. This result makes Infozoom & IDZQ clearly stand out from comparable products again.


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Our pride and joy – the most important KPIs at a glance

There’s nothing more important to us than satisfied customers who are happy to recommend us. The overall analysis shows: Our products have been valuated better than average in all KPIs of this year’s BARC Data Management Survey. Along with the top rankings, we have scored four other excellent rankings for the KPIs “Developer efficiency”, “Innovation power”, “Support quality”, and “Product satisfaction”. These results clearly demonstrate our motivation: The close exchange with our customers and the constant focus of our products on the growing requirements of our users.

Versatility and flexibility – the named purposes of InfoZoom

The fields of application of InfoZoom specified by the respondents (n=85) emphasize the flexibility and the broad functional scope of our products. The BARC analysts say:

56% of the users apply our tool to tasks in Master/Reference Data Management even if InfoZoom is not an MDM solution in the classical sense.

The frequent nomination of self-service analytics, data preparation, and data discovery with more than 40% emphasizes that InfoZoom is an easily operable and intuitive analysis tool which supports quick ad-hoc analyses.

Conclusion: Our bottom line is correct – InfoZoom supplements existing systems in the fields of spontaneous data analyses and agile data quality management.

About the Survey

The Data Management Survey 20 was conducted by BARC from January 2020 to May 2020. Altogether, 634 respondents worldwide answered a series of questions about their data management software. The survey offers a comparison of 12 leading data management tools across 12 criteria (KPIs)
including developer efficiency, recommendation, time to market and product satisfaction. For more information, go to

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Then try InfoZoom.